Union with keys after array slice


Selector: $[:]['c','d']





Other responses

C (json-glib)


Elixir (jaxon)


Golang (github.com-bhmj-jsonslice) ¹ ³


Golang (github.com-spyzhov-ajson)


JavaScript (jsonpath-plus)


Java (com.jayway.jsonpath) ¹ ³

Not supported

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException: Failed to parse SliceOperation: :

Objective-C (SMJJSONPath) ¹ ³

Not supported

Failed to parse SliceOperation: :

Python (jsonpath2)

Not supported

line 1:5 token recognition error at: '''
ValueError("line 1:5 token recognition error at: '''")

Raku (JSON-Path)

Not supported

JSON path parse error at position 1

Rust (jsonpath)

Not supported

parsing error

Rust (jsonpath_plus)


dotNET (Manatee.Json)

Not supported

Expected close bracket. Path up to error: '$[:]'


Clojure (json-path) ¹

java.lang.NumberFormatException Cannot parse null string

Golang (github.com-oliveagle-jsonpath) ¹

strconv.Atoi: parsing "'c'": invalid syntax

Perl (JSON-Path)

Assertion (":" is not an operator) failed!
 at build/lib/perl5/Carp/Assert.pm line 282, <STDIN> line 1.
	Carp::Assert::assert(...) called at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path/Evaluator.pm line 215
	JSON::Path::Evaluator::_evaluate(...) called at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path/Evaluator.pm line 120
	JSON::Path::Evaluator::evaluate(...) called at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path/Evaluator.pm line 93
	JSON::Path::Evaluator::evaluate_jsonpath(...) called at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path.pm line 103
	JSON::Path::values(...) called at main.pl line 11
