


{"a": 42, "": 21}


Other responses

Bash (JSONPath.sh)


Clojure (json-path) ¹


Cpp (jsoncons)

Not supported

Unexpected EOF while parsing jsonpath expression at line 1 and column 1

Dart (json_path)

Not supported

FormatException: "$" expected at 1:1. Expression: 

Elixir (ExJsonPath)

Not supported

syntax error before: 

Elixir (warpath) ¹

Not supported

Parser error: Invalid token on line 999999, syntax error before: 

Erlang (ejsonpath)

Not supported

syntax error before: 

Golang (github.com-AsaiYusuke-jsonpath) ²

Not supported

invalid syntax (position=0, reason=unrecognized input, near=)

Golang (github.com-PaesslerAG-jsonpath) ¹

Not supported

parsing error: 	 - 1:1 unexpected EOF while scanning extensions

Golang (github.com-ohler55-ojg)


Golang (github.com-spyzhov-ajson)

Not supported


Golang (github.com-vmware-labs-yaml-jsonpath)

    "": 21,
    "a": 42

Haskell (jsonpath)

    "": 21,
    "a": 42

JavaScript (jsonpath-plus)


Java (com.github.jsurfer)

Not supported


Kotlin (com.nfeld.jsonpathkt) ¹

Not supported

Path cannot be empty

Objective-C (SMJJSONPath) ¹ ³

Not supported

path can't be nil or empty

PHP (Goessner) ²


PHP (galbar-jsonpath) ²

Not supported

Invalid JSONPath error: 'Error in JSONPath near '''

PHP (remorhaz-jsonpath)

Not supported

Error: 'Failed to build AST from JSONPath query: '

PHP (softcreatr-jsonpath)

    "": 21,
    "a": 42

Python (jsonpath) ²

Not found

jsonpath returned false, this might indicate an error

Python (jsonpath-ng)

Not supported

AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lineno'")

Python (jsonpath-rw)

Not supported

AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lineno'")

Python (jsonpath2)

Not supported

line 1:0 missing '$' at '<EOF>'
ValueError("line 1:0 missing '$' at '<EOF>'")

Raku (JSON-Path)

Not supported

JSON path parse error at position 0

Ruby (jsonpath)

    "": 21,
    "a": 42

Rust (jsonpath)

Not supported

parsing error

Rust (jsonpath_lib)

Not supported

path error: 

Scala (jsonpath)

Not supported

JPError('$' expected but end of source found)

Swift (Sextant)

Not supported


dotNET (Json.NET)

    "": 21,
    "a": 42

dotNET (JsonCons.JsonPath)

Not supported

Invalid state 1

dotNET (JsonPath.Net)

Not supported

Input string is empty

dotNET (JsonPathLib)

    "": 21,
    "a": 42

JSON (Path_Reference_Implementation)

Not supported

 --> 1:1
1 | 
  | ^---
  = expected rootSelector

Proposal (A)

Not supported

x 1:1-1:1 Start
| ^


C (json-glib)

json_path_match: assertion 'path->is_compiled' failed
Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)

Elixir (jaxon)

** (ArgumentError) Empty query given
    lib/jaxon/decoders/query.ex:16: Jaxon.Decoders.Query.query/2
    lib/jsonpath.ex:8: Mix.Tasks.Execute.run/1

Golang (github.com-bhmj-jsonslice) ¹ ³

path: empty

Golang (github.com-oliveagle-jsonpath) ¹

runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0

JavaScript (Goessner) ²


JavaScript (brunerd)


JavaScript (jsonpath)

we need a path

Java (com.jayway.jsonpath) ¹ ³

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: path can not be null or empty
	at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notEmpty(Utils.java:401)
	at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonContext.read(JsonContext.java:76)
	at query.App.main(App.java:28)

Perl (JSON-Path)

Missing required argument 'expression' in constructor at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path.pm line 103.

Rust (jsonpath_plus)

Error Parsing JSON Path:

panic occurred

dotNET (Manatee.Json)

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
