Dot notation with dash
Selector: $.key-dash
"key": 42,
"key-": 43,
"-": 44,
"dash": 45,
"-dash": 46,
"": 47,
"key-dash": "value",
"something": "else"
Scalar consensus
The scalar consensus applies for implementations which return a single value where only one match is possible (instead of an array of a single value).
Other responses
Cpp (jsoncons)
Not supported
Expected '$' or function expression at line 1 and column 6
Elixir (ExJsonPath)
Not supported
illegal characters "-d"
Erlang (ejsonpath)
Not supported
syntax error before: '-'
Not supported
parsing error: $.key-dash :1:6 - 1:7 unexpected "-" while scanning operator
Not supported
JavaScript (brunerd)
Not supported
JavaScript (jsonpath)
Not supported
Lexical error on line 1. Unrecognized text.
Python (jsonpath2)
Not supported
line 1:5 token recognition error at: '-d'
ValueError("line 1:5 token recognition error at: '-d'")
Raku (JSON-Path)
Not supported
JSON path parse error at position 5
dotNET (JsonCons.JsonPath)
Not supported
Expected '.' or '[' or '^'
dotNET (JsonPath.Net)
Not supported
Could not find any valid selectors.
dotNET (Manatee.Json)
Not supported
Unrecognized JSON Path element. Path up to error: '$.key'
- ¹ This implementation returns a single value where only one match is possible (instead of an array of a single value).
- ² This implementation returns a specific not found value if no match exists.
- ³ This implementation returns a specific not found value if a query that would regularly return a single match results in no match.