Array slice with negative step


Selector: $[3:0:-2]

["first", "second", "third", "forth", "fifth"]


Other responses

Bash (


C (json-glib)


Clojure (json-path) ¹


Cpp (jsoncons)


Dart (json_path)


Elixir (jaxon)


Elixir (warpath) ¹


Erlang (ejsonpath)

Not supported

syntax error before: '-'

Golang ( ²


Golang ( ¹


Golang ( ¹ ³


Golang (


Golang (


Golang (


Haskell (jsonpath)


JavaScript (Goessner) ²

Not found

jsonpath returned false, this might indicate an error

JavaScript (brunerd)


JavaScript (jsonpath)


JavaScript (jsonpath-plus)


Java (com.github.jsurfer)

Not supported


Java (com.jayway.jsonpath) ¹ ³


Kotlin (com.nfeld.jsonpathkt) ¹


Objective-C (SMJJSONPath) ¹ ³


PHP (galbar-jsonpath) ²


PHP (remorhaz-jsonpath)


PHP (softcreatr-jsonpath)


Perl (JSON-Path)


Python (jsonpath) ²


Python (jsonpath-ng)

Not supported

JsonPathParserError('Parse error at 1:5 near token : (:)')

Python (jsonpath-rw)

Not supported

Exception('Parse error at 1:5 near token : (:)')

Python (jsonpath2)


Raku (JSON-Path)

Not supported

JSON path parse error at position 1

Rust (jsonpath)

Not supported

parsing error

Rust (jsonpath_lib)

Not supported

path error: 

Rust (jsonpath_plus)


Scala (jsonpath)


Swift (Sextant)


dotNET (Json.NET)


dotNET (JsonCons.JsonPath)


dotNET (JsonPath.Net)


dotNET (JsonPathLib)


dotNET (Manatee.Json)


JSON (Path_Reference_Implementation)


Proposal (A)



Elixir (ExJsonPath)


Golang ( ¹

only support one range(from, to): [3 0 -2]

PHP (Goessner) ²

timeout: sending signal TERM to command ‘implementations/PHP_Goessner/’

Ruby (jsonpath)

step can't be negative
